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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What We've Been Up to This Week

Hello friends!  Our All About Me Unit is coming along beautifully!  Since I last shared the kiddos have created precious family trees and family banners.

We have been having a grand old time with end punctuation as well. :)  Each student created an interactive flip book telling all about the three different types of sentences.  Then, to make our learning authentic, our second graders got to be the teachers and teach their first grade buddies all about end punctuation.  They even helped them think of, and write an example sentence for each.  After we were experts, students had a chance to play a fun game where they figured out the correct end punctuation for each sentence and sorted them accordingly.  Way to go second grade stars!  I am so proud of your hard work!

We have started reading centers, and the students are really starting to get the routine.  Thank you Mrs. Madison for being my right hand gal during center time.  This learning could not happen with out you!  You are so appreciated!  I'm a big believer that centers should be independent learning time, which frees me up to meet with small reading groups.  Research shows that students need to practice reading, writing, and working with words every our centers are based around just that!  Students read independently, or with a buddy, they listen to books being read on the computer, they visit the writing center, and they work with words.  Here are our little readers in action!
Buddy Reading
Serious cuteness overload here!  Taking an AR with a buddy.

Sharing writing

Our Writing Center

Working With Words

Readers Gonna Read!
A quick peek at what's going on in math... We are nearing the end of our first chapter of study; addition and subtraction strategies.  Here are our mathematicians working during centers.  I love center time because it allows time to review and practice key concepts.  I think the kids are having so much fun, they don't even realize they are working! Ha!
Odd and Even Marshmallow Roast

Playing Headbands to review vocab.

Finding the missing addends

Making standard form, expanded form, base-ten block s'mores. 

Hope everyone is having a lovely day!  Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Let's Catch Up!

Wow!  It has been a wild three weeks!  Oh my word have we been busy in room 8!  Here is a recap so we can catch up and celebrate all of our many, many accomplishments so far.  The hard part is figuring out where to begin... I guess I will just jump right in.  Ready, set, here we goooo!


Our second graders have been working away in math!  We have been focusing on addition strategies such as: counting on, making a ten, doubles facts, and near doubles.  We've also learned some pretty smart vocabulary too.  Ask your little one to share what an addend, sum, and equation are.  :)  We've jumped right into math centers and I am so proud of the kiddos hard work.  The have really taken to this interactive math experience and I love the collaboration that is taking place between peers.
Mathematicians practicing key concepts during our math meeting.  Sweet Owen is leading the group in a fun math game!

Ordering numbers and skip counting during math centers.  Working as a team to complete a SILENT math puzzle. 
Getting ready for a great year of math! After all, we are mathematicians!  We work hard, never give up, and try our best!


Oh my, we have been reading maniacs in room 8!  So far we have practiced reading to our selves, and reading with a buddy.  We even had a chance to read with our first grade study buddies.  It's so precious to see our sweet second graders take on the role of big buddy.   They are so responsible and such great reading role models!  
We LOVE books!
Book boxes and buddy reading!  

We have also read a few treasured books as a class.  Two of which are  Chrysanthemum and Wemberly Worried.  I love Kevin Henkes books. :)  To accompany Chrysanthemum, students watercolored a beautiful flower and we created a wonderful class project with them.  They also created their own Very Special Name books to celebrate what is special and unique about them.   

Me Posters and Writing

I have been so enjoying learning all about our sweet friends through their fantastic All About Me Posters!   To accompany each poster, the children wrote a paragraph telling all about themselves.  What a delightful group of students! 

This and That

Dancing to some music while searching for our synonym buddy!
Mrs. Lara's 2nd grade stars!  Beautiful self portraits! 

Practicing thesaurus skills, locating synonyms with a partner.  We are ready to expand our vocab. and use powerful words!

Setting a foundation for a successful year.  In second grade we will feed our brains, do sharp work, and have bright ideas!
Happy birthday Sofia! 

 I'm sure there is so much I am forgetting to share about.  But it feels great to get some of our happenings on this sweet little slice of cyber space.  On a personal note, it has been a difficult start to the school year for me.  My grandmother passed away this week.  My words can not accurately describe how special she was.  She was my first and favorite teacher, and also the reason I became a teacher.  This is the reason for my absence on Wednesday and Thursday.  I apologize for missing these two important days with your child.