Remember that interview your child did for homework last week? Well they put it to good use today and created these wonderful Venn diagrams comparing and contrasting themselves with the person they interviewed. They really did a great job. It is so fun watching them all get so engrossed in project based learning!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Family Venn Diagram
Pumpkins and Cats
It's beginning to look festive in room 8! We finished our first Halloween project yesterday. The students created these oh so cute pumpkins and cats by carefully folding paper to divide it into fourths. Then they gave their pumpkin or cat a personality and added adjectives to describe it. Super cute! Let's see... that's math, art, and grammar in one sweet little package. I'll take it!
Our Golden State
Well we officially wrapped up our California facts and symbols project today. It was a BIG one! I am so proud of the students' hard work. It was our first attempt at writing a paragraph and they did so well!
To start out we did some close reading of an informational text passage all about California. Then the students went back and reread in order to answer questions about our state. Our goal was to answer each question with a complete sentence. Those little finger muscles got quite a work out that's for sure!
Next we used QR codes to lead us to internet resources on California's state symbols. The students conducted their researched in pairs.
Later, we took all the information we gathered to create these spectacular posters about California.
Once the kiddos became experts on California we took all the information they knew and wrote our very first paragraph! Let me just say, this was no easy feat! I put my game face on, and strapped on my roller skates to zoom around the room, and with each sentence things got smoother and smoother. Today we started our second paragraph all about the pumpkin patch and praise the Lord and pass the mashed potatoes because our writing time was like 100 times easier. They are getting it!!!! #happyteacher Here we are doing some peer editing, because there needs to be like 22 of me during writing time. #justsayin
The dot stickers are a visual (and fun) way to mark each part of the paragraph: hook, topic sentence, detail sentences, and conclusion.
To wrap everything up, and make our writing purposeful, our sweet second graders got to share their projects with a 4th grade student today. They were all kinds of nervous, but felt so proud and happy after they did it. Growth happens when we step out of our comfort zone my friends!
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
HEART of an Eagle
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
James and the Giant Peach
I can't seem to get these pictures to rotate tonight. I hope you can see from this sideways view! Have a lovely evening all! |