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Monday, January 18, 2016

Our Adventures with Flat Stanley!

This week we read a fun novel titled Flat Stanley, written by Jeff Brown.  One of the amazing things Stanley is able to do once he is flat is visit friends by traveling through the mail.  Well, we took this idea and wanted to try it out for ourselves!  Each child has created a flat version of them self, written a letter to a friend or family member that lives somewhere in the USA, and we mailed out our flat kiddos on Friday.  This is such a fun way to learn about several different states in the U.S.  I am so excited to hear about the upcoming adventures!  Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Young for walking with us down to the mailbox on a wild and drizzly afternoon. You are amazing!

Click HERE to see some shots from our project. :)

Amazing Polar Bears

Two weeks ago we studied all about Polar Bears and also continued our practice with informational text features.  Each student completed an Amazing Polar Bear Book.  On each page students did a close reading about polar bears and identified which informational text feature was found on that page.  Then students were instructed to write their own text dependent question related to the content of each page.  Last they answered their question using the text as a resource and highlighted the proof.  Wow!  Our second graders are sure digging deep into reading!

Along the way we had a lot of fun with this unit of study.  We learned first hand how blubber helps polar bears stay warm in icy temperatures by taking our own polar bear plunge!

Now because text features may not get everyone super pumped, I upped my game and brought slingshot arrows for the students to use when they stepped up to our informational text feature board.  Fun and learning, a success in my book!

Of course we added a beautiful art project to solidify our learning.  First we used chalk to create the northern lights.  Next, students painted a snowy ground and a few trees.  For the polar bear we watched an amazing artist on you tube teach us how to make a polar bear step by step.  The kids did beautifully!  I'm definitely thinking these masterpieces will make a debut in the upcoming winter art gallery.

And last of all, students wrote an informational paragraph all about these amazing bears.  They completed this writing 100% on their own so I could use them as an assessment piece.  Way to go super second graders!  I am so proud of your dedication to learning!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Winter Break Snapshots

I sure did miss my 22 little angels over the holiday break and it felt so great to be back together in room 8 this week.  On Monday we each shared about our vacation and then wrote all about it.  The prompt was:  Who did you have fun with?  Where did you go?  What did you eat?  What did you see?  What did you ply with?  The kids then took these questions and drew a "snapshot" picture to illustrate what they did.  These sweet pictures were the perfect graphic organizer to gather their thoughts and write an organized thoughtful paragraph.  I am so thrilled with the quality of work the students completed.  2016 is off to an amazing start!

Sharing about her break.

Working hard.

In the zone.


December Recap

Wow!  I just can't even believe how quickly this year is zooming by!  December went by in a blink and I didn't even get the chance to share what we've been up to in room 8.  I'm so sorry for the delay, but better late than never!  Here are some December highlights!

Our Elf Projects

For this fun creative writing project the students were given the prompt that Santa was looking for a few new elves to help this Christmas season.  There were three positions open: the elf bakery, gift wrapping, and the toy workshop.  The students then completed an application applying for their desired position.  Next they wrote Santa three letters, one to persuade him to hire them as his newest elf, one to tell about about themselves as an elf, and last an entertaining story.  Whew!  Three thoughtful, letters to engage critical and creative thinking in one week!  It's amazing the level of work the students are capable of when they are excited and motivated!  As the last part of this fun project the students "elfed themselves" by creating an adorable art project.
Sharing writing with a buddy.

Helping with editing and revising. 

Working on our elves.

I really thought I had a shot of the final projects and am so bummed I can't seem to find it.  Hopefully you saw your kiddo's project when it came home.

Double Digit Subtraction

I love this point in second grade because the students feel so big and important as we jump into big math concepts.   I'm so proud to say we tackled double digit subtraction with gusto and had a blast along the way.  Here are some songs we used to help us learn Blank Space  and Shake it Off.  Aren't those so catchy!?

Hard at work using base-ten blocks to add.

Collaborating with a partner.

Explaining why the addition strategy works.

Partners helping each other.

Addition math center, and scanning QR codes to check her work.

Playing a double digit addition game.

Addition Jenga

Addition math center, and scanning QR code to check his work.


Our study of reindeer was two fold, we learned all about these fascinating animals, and we also learned all about informational text features and how they help us as readers.  We wrapped up our study with the sweetest reindeer art project and a cinquain poem.  Please come see your reindeer in the art gallery!

Holiday Lights

We worked hard on this cute art and writing project.  Students brainstormed all sorts of winter/holiday themed phrases and then wrote an acrostic poem to go with their name,  They were such a cheery touch in our classroom this holiday. 

The Polar Express

What a special day this was!  The kids worked together to create the train and then we journeyed off to the North Pole!  A great time was had by all.  Even now I hear the kids saying they wished we still had the train in our class. Ha!

Special Polar Express storytelling.

Last but not least, a heart-felt thank you for all me lovely Christmas gifts.  Each one of you has blessed my heart with your generosity and kindness.  Thank you so much!