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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Penguins and Haikus Are SNOW Much Fun!

Today we learned all about these adorable birds that DON'T fly!  After reading both narrative and informational text about penguins we integrated art, math, reading, language, and writing to create these awesome projects.  I taught about haikus, which are short 3-lined poems that follow the syllable pattern 5, 7, 5.  Then we made our penguins which was actually a lesson on symmetry.  Love!  Follow this link for instructions.  The background is sponge painted and the snow was created using glue, laundry detergent, and white paint.  Last we added glitter for a little extra sparkle!  I'm thrilled with the final product and all the fun and learning that went into them!


  1. If a penguin flew
    If the ocean sky was blue
    How haiku you go?
    That is my first ever haiku! Thanks Mrs Lara!

  2. Ha ha ha! Thanks mom! You crack me up!


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