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Monday, April 28, 2014

A Window into our Work Work Time

This week for word work we are continuing our study of the /oo/ sound as in shoe.  I thought I would share a glimpse of what the children who come to room 8 for work work have been up to this week.  As you know we stick with our spelling patterns for two weeks at a time and the children work in their word work class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for 30 minutes.  So we meet for a grand total of 6 times before moving on to the next pattern.  This chunk of time seriously goes by in the blink of an eye and I have found that sticking to a no-nonsense routine is an efficient use of our time. When I introduce a new pattern we always spend the first day learning all about it through direct teacher led instruction. Then for the next four times we meet, I do a mini lesson and the children quickly disperse to work on their word work center.  I change the centers each week so keep things fresh.  Below you can see the centers we have been working on this week.

Spelling Cents ~ Finding the value of your spelling words

Spelling City
Spelling Sentences
Hairy Money
By the way...have you ever heard of "hairy money"???  Well if you know someone who is having a tough time counting coins read on!  This noteworthy tool was shared with me by our resource teacher.  I have used touch money in the past as a visual aid, but hairy money totally takes the cake!  Basically for each five you put a hair on the president's head.  A nickel gets one hair, a dime gets two hairs, and a quarter gets five hairs.  Poor penny is bald because its value is only one cent.  When my little kiddies want to find the total value of a group of coins all they have to do is put they correct "hairs" on each coin and then count by 5's and add the 1's.
I have found this to be super duper successful!  Which makes me happy!

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