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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Wrapping Up Geology

We have had a total blast studying geology in room 8!  I haven't shared in a while, so this post is going to cover a lot of ground (and I hope I don't leave anything out).  Sit back and relax, and get ready to see our favorite geologists hard at work!

Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition, Oh My!  
To learn these three important vocabulary words we  did a few hands on experiments and activities.  First the students built landforms with unifix cubes.  Next they pulled apart a piece of the landform (weathering), brought it to a different location (erosion), then started building a new landform (deposition)!  Such a simple and concrete way to understand three big science words.  
Then students simulated weathering, erosion, and deposition with our very own Mrs. Denis. 
 We created super flap books to explain and illustrate weathering, erosion, and deposition.
And because nothing is complete without a little singing and dancing, here are our stars in action.  

After learning all about volcanoes students worked in pairs to create a paper mache volcano of their own.  Pairs selected one of the volcanoes that we researched and tried their best to make their volcano look like a shield, cinder cone, or composite volcano.  Then our awesome room mom helped me draw out a great big map of the world so the kiddos could plot their volcano in its actual location.  This was such a powerful way for students to see and understand the Ring of Fire.  Last but not least we made our volcanoes erupt!  So much fun!

We learned all about different types of soil and the parts of a plant.  I will never cease to be amazed by the life that comes from a little tiny seed!  

 Geology Rocks!
To end this awesome unit students presented a delightful play Geology Rocks!  I was so impressed by everyone's talent and dedication to learn all their lines, songs, cues, and moves so well.  Way to go second graders!  I am so proud to be your teacher! 

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